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Philosophy - Faculty & Staff

Adriel Trott

  • Professor of Philosophy, Andrew T. and Anne Ford Chair in the Liberal Arts

Photo of Trott, Adriel

Adriel M. Trott is Professor of Philosophy and Andrew T. and Anne Ford Chair in the Liberal Arts. Her work focuses on ancient, continental and political philosophy, specifically on how ancient philosophy can be a resource both for analyzing and criticizing contemporary conceptions of political life, of being human, of nature and of gender and for presenting alternatives to these accounts. Trott is the author of Aristotle on the Nature of Community and Aristotle on the Matter of Form: A Feminist Metaphysics of Generation.

Trott teaches courses that engage students from classics, gender studies, Black studies and PPE. She serves on the Executive Committee of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (SPEP), the largest continental philosophy society in North America, and was the founding Editor of the Women in Philosophy series at the American Philosophical Association (APA) Blog. She blogs at The Trott Line and is an honorary member of the Malcolm X Institute for Black Studies at Wabash. Check out her Chapel Talks here and here.

A dedicated amateur runner, Trott qualified for the Boston Marathon in her first ever marathon in California in December 2021 and thinks of running as a metaphor for life.


  • Ph.D., M.A. Villanova University
  • B.A. College of William and Mary

Recent Course Offerings

  • PHI 109 / GEN 200: Introduction to Philosophy: Nature (and Gender)
  • PHI 106: Introduction to Philosophy: Humans in the Age of Robots
  • PHI 217 / PPE 217: Philosophy of Race
  • PHI 219 / PPE 228 / GEN 200: Feminist Philosophy
  • PHI 240 / CLA 240: Ancient Philosophy
  • PHI 242: Foundations of Modern Philosophy


Find an up-to-date list of Trott’s publications and presentations here.

Recent Presentations

Find an up-to-date list of Trott’s publications and presentations here.

Honors & Awards

Inaugural Scholar-in-Residence at Texas Tech University

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